I really do love my food, and was recently re-introduced to an old favourite – Mid Brae coleslaw.
As a thank you for doing a Trinny and Susannah on her wardrobe, Sister Susie treated me and big sister to supper. She was actually quite horrified when we had finished the wardrobe and she saw how little was left, but as we pointed out, everything that was left was clothes she actually wore, so she had to agree it was good.
Now I have always had a thing about this particular coleslaw, it’s so creamy, smooth, tasty and home made and the best thing is it doesn’t have any onions (as they do tend to come back on you), in fact the last time I was up in Brae visiting my Mam I went along for a coleslaw takeaway, believe me it’s worth it! So we had a lovely supper, meat salad with big homemade chips (you don’t see those very often nowadays).
I thoroughly believe in what I would call ‘right made food’, and if you are going out for food it should be better than, or at least as good as you can make at home. I won’t say I’m a great cook, because I’m not, I can do what I have to but am not very adventurous, and I tend to stick to the things I like. My Mam loves cooking all types of food, savoury, sweet, baking, you name it she can make it, and she doesn’t have to measure, when I ask for a recipe it’s all, “joost pit in a peerie bit o dis and a handfoo o dat”, I can’t do that, it never turns out the same. Mam loves meat, she actually acquired the nickname ‘Marina 2 meats’, it came from a brother-in-law who was amused that she always had at least 2 meats on the table for a Sunday dinner, it might have been chicken and beef, chicken and pork or chicken and something, but there was always a chicken in there somewhere. I think this 2 meat thing came from when we were all peerie and one meat would never have been enough to feed us, although she did seem to have magic powers over a single pound of mince which she could feed to at least 8 people (I’m lucky if it feeds 3). But I’m not knocking it, I would be highly disappointed if I went for lunch and there was only one meat, imagine?
I am quite fussy when it comes to some things like tea and coffee. My rules are – Tea should come in a packet and be loose leaf which you spoon into a proper tea pot, add boiling water and leave to track. Tea bags are ok if they are herbal, otherwise only use in an emergency. Instant tea, don’t even go there, it should be banned, I just don’t get it!
Coffee should be real, there is just something about the smell (mmm the smell), the taste (rich, slightly burnt) and again it should be made in a pot, either Cafetiere or Espresso, I don’t like percolators, they kill coffee, left to stew for hours, yuk. Instant coffee – no comment. And the finishing touch, a biscuit, as you can’t have a cup without a biscuit, no, really, you can’t.
Must go, I hear the Espresso pot bubbling on the stove and the biscuits are calling.