Me Man has been on about tidying up the laft for a while now and thought we would get it done last Saturday, but having only got up at lunchtime and then being invited to big Sister's house for food and gossip (copious quantities of both I might add), I only arrived home at 6pm (with a Chinese takeaway), and well anyone with a life knows that on Saturday night you certainly wouldn't be tidying up the laft!
So Sunday, it was! We started, and the usual things went through my head, 'what the hell was I thinking', 'why did I keep that', 'did I really think that would ever come in useful again'. Around 4 hours later, I ended up with an ultra organised laft (well you have to keep some crap on the laft, isn't it the law!!!), a car full for the Charity Shop, another car full for Harry Hay's auction room (I'm sure he'll be delighted to see me again), and about 6 black bags full of rubbish for the Essy Kert (we did try to burn the paper stuff, but with only a small barbeque and a force 9 gale blowing we decided it wasn't very practical).
Monday arrived, and Rob went back to school, me Man went to work and I thought I'd better do some sense! so I went out to the shed, thinking I would start work, but instead, spent the whole day tidying up the post Christmas mess! and in between all this the phone rang, with a very nice lady from Channel 4 TV, who wanted to know if I would be interested in taking part in Wife Swop!, my exact words were (after I picked myself up off the floor), 'god no!'.
So, all in all, it was a funny old day, I wonder what delights await me in the shed for the rest of the week!