So, the mini has landed, me Man and me Sister's Man went down to da Ness with a trailer and picked up the car a few weeks ago. Apparently it had been in the byre for the last 18 years, and the man who owned the byre was there and was absolutely delighted to see it go. They made it to the Easterdale shed in once piece (I actually thought it would fall to bits when moved). They both said it looked better than they thought it would, which was just a well. And in the last week he has also acquired an engine, fancy tyres and various other bits and pieces, and all found locally. So I am now finding out about sub frames and other technical terminology of which I have little interest, but I guess that's going to be the topic of conversation for a long time to come. It is nice to see me Man interested in something for a change as he has been pretty bogged down in the Open University course which he has been slogging through for the last (what seems like) 25 years. And Roby seems pretty interested too (which is unusual for a 13 years old girl), she thinks that by the time it is finished, she will get it to drive.

It's been pretty busy on the Bear front too, it's that time of year when everybody is stocking up for the start of the Tourist season, so the sewing machine has been given a bashing in the last few weeks.
The Shetland Arts & Crafts Association (of which I am Secretary) has been going through a busy time too, we have finally got a handle on our website and are able to update it ourselves, which means we have added quite a few new members, take a look at www.shetlandartsandcrafts.co.uk, and there are still more to come. We also have a permanent display of our members products in the newly refurbished Tourist Office , which is looking fantastic.
That's about it for now, will try to make sure I post weekly from now on.