So since the last time I had another birthday, as did many other people, we have had Christmas and are on track for New Year.
Actually had a lovely birthday, I cannot understand these people who dread their birthday, its a fact of life we all get older so why not look forward to it and enjoy!!!!!!! As 'me Man' was away (think it was the football?) I decided to have a girly day/night with the lasses and I would get a Chinese takeaway and we would watch something girly, but as it happens my lovely peerie lass had her own ideas and had organised for the the lasses to come over earlier and bring food, so they all arrived and we had a proper tea party with cake, leading onto the Bubbly and we were joined by a kitchenful of young male company (Daughter's friends) which ended up with Big Sis teaching those same young men how to open and pour bubbly properly! and all this going on with the Burra Regatta in full swing outside the front door!

So a few more months of what felt like 'Groundhog day', get up, cut, sew or finish bears, go to bed, usually not on the same day I rose then start all over again, I kind of got into a routine and about 3 weeks before Christmas I got out the Chistmas cd I compiled last year and listened to it on repeat for the next 21 days, it helped....... I think!
And in between all this 'me Man' got a degree, after a long 8 year Open University slog he now has a BSc (Hons) Tech (open), he is delighted to be finished with it all and just in time for the start of our new house, got the planning permission and the building warrant through, ready to start in the Spring of 2009! so anyone looking for a 3 bedroom, very tastefully decorated and well kept house with a garage, basement and workshop in the middle of Hamnavoe, please get in touch.
So here we are, December 29th another year over and a new one just about to begin ( I think that's from a song?) planning to have dinner on New Years Eve with family 'up nort' and then a drive around to visit everyone on the way home.
Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and are looking forward to a happy and Healthy New Year, xxx
Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and are looking forward to a happy and Healthy New Year, xxx
p.s. if you look closely you can see santy in the tractor, who did his annual round through Burra on Christmas morning.