Having looked at it on paper for long as a flat drawing it is sooooo exciting to see our new house go up and change every day. You seem to wait so long, filling out bits of paper waiting for those bits of paper to be approved, then all of a sudden you have foundations, walls, roof trusses and more to come. Now the roof is on (or, the trusses have been sheeted, got to get the correct terminology!) you really get a sense of the space, lots and lots of space, I didna really think it looked all that big, but everyone that comes along (male, they seem to be able to see it) says it's big, ok now I can see it, but it's not just a house, it does have a rather large garage (for me man to play with his Mini clubman) and there is a new Workshop for me (although I still refer to it as the Teddy Bear shed), so the main part of the house is not just all that big. I think I might see it better when the interior walls are up, then I will just have to decide how to fill the space, preferably with as little crap as possible. What a great opportunity to clear out all the crap and NOT drag it all to the Sooth End, I will be ruthless, might need Big Sis to help, she's good, although think she might need to do a bit of practising what she preaches. The story so far, in pictures:
view from the dining/livingroom - view from the office window - trusses!