Sunday, July 10, 2005

Island Games

Having spent the last few months (actually seems much longer) up to the lugs in Burra Bears and Mams Rowes, the Island Games are finally here. Yes, the Natwest Island Games (I think thats what they call it) has arrived and after a very wet (torrential rain) Opening ceremony last night, today dawned fine and sunny, which was just as well as I had to set up on Victoria Pier for the Flavour of Shetland event which is being run over the next week to co-incide with the Island Games. Its 5 days of live music, food, drams and fantastic high quality crafts (that'll be the longest week's work I've put in for a while then), that's 11am to 11pm every day.
So as I said it was a beautiful sunny day, and we arrived at the Pier just around 4pm to set up, and everything was looking good, and all went well. We were even treated to some live music from the kirky folk.
So here's to next week, and lots of sales for those fantastic Burra Bears and the new high quality Mams makkin Fair Isle Rowes!

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