Sunday, March 19, 2006

And a party too!

Yes, I did organise a party, well a small one. I phoned family and invited them for cake and champagne on 'me mans' birthday.
He had the afternoon off from work as they all went to the Great Wall for a Chinese lunch and then a few of them went pubbing in the afternoon. So I threw together a little food in the afternoon and we had a lovely night, every one came around 6, 'me drunk man' and 2 drunk pals arrived about 7, we had cake, candles and champagne.
As most of the family were driving they left around 9, then me, 'me man' and his pals spent the night drinking more pop, straightening hair (male hair), tying shoe laces and discussing why you shouldn't try to chat up ladies with a talk of your pet budgie! It's amazing what seems a good idea when your pissed.
This party thing doesn't seem so bad after all, although I did have to stay in bed untill 3pm the next day. Just as well it doesn't happen very often!

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