Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Christmas and beyond

So with all the presents wrapped, all the cards sent (even managed to catch last date for 2nd class stamps), I thought me and Rob would go up to Whiteness and visit Mam, Susie and Minty (they were staying at Rachey and Billy's to look after the dogs over Christmas whilst they were away in Hong Kong). We had a lovely night, swopped some presents had some drams and ended up staying all night. The next day me and Rob went to Lerwick to find flowers, and not a one could we find! We did end up ordering a bouquet from Stems (beautiful as ever Steve!), which I sent me Man in to pick up later on.
We spent Christmas Eve beside the in laws, had loads of food, swopped lots of presents and had quite a few drams, then came home and gave each other our presents, I got a Sex and the City boxed set (just need a few days in front of the telly to watch it now), and lots of other lovely things, oh, I even got a plastic gun thing which catches spiders (will be great for the shed!).
Got up on Christmas Day, quite late (9am), I think Rob has finally grown up, and didn't want to get up for Santy (usually awake at 5am), but I dragged her out of bed and we went through, and would you beleive it, I got Santy too!!!!!!!!! It was great. We had Brunie (or Huffsie if you come from Whalsay) and tea, then cracked open the bubbly and fresh orange.
We had a taxi booked to take us up to Whiteness for Christmas dinner, and after Mam calmed down because the oven wouldn't cook the Turkey, 'Soooosin, I telt you we should have put on da Turkey at nine o'clock, it's all your fault', we had more presents and more drams and an absolutley fabulous dinner.
Maggie and Sparky couldn't come up to Whiteness, as Millie (Minty's dog) would probably have killed them, but we got pictures of them under the Christmas tree looking very festive.
The last few days have been very lazy, sleeping late, eating at the wrong time and generally lying around.
So the next round is Hogmanay and into the new year.

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