It feels like month's since I was here last, but I must post an update on what's been going on.
We had a party at big sister Rachey's house for Children in Need, it was a sort of auction night, everyone had to bring clothes to auction and a good raffle prize (I took a Burra Bear), the other lasses had brilliant ideas, Rachey donated a gourmet meal for 2 (in your own home), Susie donated a full house Susie shine (top to bottom house spring clean), Sharey donated her time for a day to do anything (she's pretty crafty, and can turn her hand to anything), Billy donated a boat trip, Big Tam donated a paint job, Melanie donated a smoked trout, and Mam donated 2 of her Mam's makkin ponchos. There was a prize for the best dressed (from a Charity shop), and Sharey won, she came dressed as Teenie Ingamore (see the photos) 
, she was hilarious, Mam didn't even know who it was to begin with!! So on top of all this we listened to BBC Radio Shetland's Children in Need and bid on items in their auction. We won such delights as a Poly Tunnel, tickets to the local Panto and a chance to name a fudge.
There was also the auction (in house) and Rachey and Billy were stand in's for Harry Hay, as he couldn't make it. So all in all it was a lovely night with good food and many drams, and we made over £400 to go to Children in Need which Rachey left with the Radio Shetland Team.
You know, decorating is one of those thing's that once you start it's really kind of hard to stop. For those of you who followed me in the Shetland Weekly, you wil recall the decorating antics. So we started once again, this time on the end room (used for office, dressing room, studying room etc etc etc). Now this wasn't a case of slapping on some paint and paper, the whole 4 walls and roof had to come down and be re-lined and insulated, which was rather nice as most of it was the dredded V Lining. So me Man started, and all the room's contents had to be emptied and found new homes in the garage, bedroom and the living room (it was really quite a small room, but there was some pile of crap that came out of it). So the dust rose and settled for a few weeks, then he painted, the furniture arrived and I now have a rather nice room which actually looks like what it is meant for, an office!
While all this was happening I had a lovely big envelope arrive through the post one morning with Rachey's writing on it, and it was wallpaper samples and within half an hour I had phoned her up and she had ordered the ones I liked. It arrived the very next week and I called Colin (the decorator who is simply the best), he came within a few days and the kitchen and dining room were looking perfect (I did try to scrape off the old paper, spent about 3 hours, got about 1 metre square done and gave up). Praise be to the decorator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Around this time of year the Burra players hold their Pantomime, and it was all set, we were in rehersal (after me making a fuss about not wanting a big part, and getting my own way), when came the news that it had been cancelled due to one of the main characters having to go for an operation doon sooth. Now after being delighted and punching the air excitedly, I did think it was rather a shame it wasn't going ahead. But we had the after show party (without the show) and that was fun, although I do have vague memories of getting home from the Sooth End hall, I checked the camera the next day as I did remember taking photos (see me, Bobby and Gordon, team for the Quiz, can't rememer if we won?).
So in between doing all of the above I have been madly making Burra Bears, as we have to work as well you know. Spending most nights out in the Shed sewing, stuffing, finishing, labelling and generally trying to get all the orders done in time for Christmas, but with the help of my fabulous Teddy Bear makers we did it, and with a week to spare would you believe it!
So the weekend before Christmas I was all set to go shopping for presents as I hadn't actually done anything about that side of it. And then the snow came, now I did attempt to get into Lerwick but got to Scalloway, and my little C2 started to protest by sliding all over the road, so we stopped, skidded around for a while before actually managing to turn around and headed for home. As with most Shetland weather it disappeared as quickly as it arrived, and the next day (Sunday) we headed for town, got there around 12, did a little shopping, had lunch, did some more shopping and was home by 6pm with all presents bought (think that has to be some sort of a record). The next night I wrote out all Christmas cards, wrapped all presents and got to bed about 2am, absolutely delighted with my achievements and a little drunk (well, you need somthing to see you through all that).

, she was hilarious, Mam didn't even know who it was to begin with!! So on top of all this we listened to BBC Radio Shetland's Children in Need and bid on items in their auction. We won such delights as a Poly Tunnel, tickets to the local Panto and a chance to name a fudge.

You know, decorating is one of those thing's that once you start it's really kind of hard to stop. For those of you who followed me in the Shetland Weekly, you wil recall the decorating antics. So we started once again, this time on the end room (used for office, dressing room, studying room etc etc etc). Now this wasn't a case of slapping on some paint and paper, the whole 4 walls and roof had to come down and be re-lined and insulated, which was rather nice as most of it was the dredded V Lining. So me Man started, and all the room's contents had to be emptied and found new homes in the garage, bedroom and the living room (it was really quite a small room, but there was some pile of crap that came out of it). So the dust rose and settled for a few weeks, then he painted, the furniture arrived and I now have a rather nice room which actually looks like what it is meant for, an office!
While all this was happening I had a lovely big envelope arrive through the post one morning with Rachey's writing on it, and it was wallpaper samples and within half an hour I had phoned her up and she had ordered the ones I liked. It arrived the very next week and I called Colin (the decorator who is simply the best), he came within a few days and the kitchen and dining room were looking perfect (I did try to scrape off the old paper, spent about 3 hours, got about 1 metre square done and gave up). Praise be to the decorator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So in between doing all of the above I have been madly making Burra Bears, as we have to work as well you know. Spending most nights out in the Shed sewing, stuffing, finishing, labelling and generally trying to get all the orders done in time for Christmas, but with the help of my fabulous Teddy Bear makers we did it, and with a week to spare would you believe it!
So the weekend before Christmas I was all set to go shopping for presents as I hadn't actually done anything about that side of it. And then the snow came, now I did attempt to get into Lerwick but got to Scalloway, and my little C2 started to protest by sliding all over the road, so we stopped, skidded around for a while before actually managing to turn around and headed for home. As with most Shetland weather it disappeared as quickly as it arrived, and the next day (Sunday) we headed for town, got there around 12, did a little shopping, had lunch, did some more shopping and was home by 6pm with all presents bought (think that has to be some sort of a record). The next night I wrote out all Christmas cards, wrapped all presents and got to bed about 2am, absolutely delighted with my achievements and a little drunk (well, you need somthing to see you through all that).
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