Sunday, November 26, 2006

Annider party

It was brother-in-law Colin 'o' Semblister's 'BIG 40' party last night in the Aith Hall, we dunna do thing's by halves when we have a party! There was over 300 folk invited, the night started with a little jamming session on the fiddle etc, all Colin's family are very musical, plus he is part of the 'Red Vans', so they were all there too. After everyone had arrived and been given their free drink at the door (just like a wedding except Colin didna have a suit on), we went straight into the Auction, this was to raise money for both the local CAT scanner appeal and 'Mind your Head'. The Auction included some weird and wonderful items, hand made fishing weights, 3kg of fresh mussels, a fresh lamb (in bits), spaarl puddings, still no sure what is actually in these, and then there were the compulsory Fair Isle Thong x 2, Fair Isle Footstool, Peerie oolets, and we also had a Cashmere Poncho (one of Mam's last one's), an oil painting again by Mam, and a garden bench made by Colin, then there was the slave auction, 4 handsome men auctioned themselves for the day. The Auction raised £2600, the most expensive item was the Garden Bench which went for £230, and was bought by, Me!, I got a bit carried away, may have had something to do with the red wine!! I think I made a good choice though, the Fair Isle Thong went for £75!
The supper followed the Auction and then straight into the disco. I left at about 12.30am, and speaking to little Sister this morning, she said they only got to bed at 6am, but a good night was had by all, so far the total raised stands at £3500 and they are still counting!

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