Tuesday, November 28, 2006

the last minute.........

Doing my usual, I am sitting here desperately trying to finish off my 2005/2006 Accounts, so I can get them to the accountant in time.
Is this a female thing?, a Ritch thing?, or is it just me leaving it till the last minute as usual?, I think it's probably the third one, just me. Is there anyway you can change this?, I know I have said it before but if you give me a month to do something I will always do it in the last few days and get there just in time. I work better when I have far too much to do, I tend to get bored when I don't have much on.
One year I decided to be 'organised', and got all my Burra Bear orders finished well in time, I did all my Christmas shopping in time I even ended up helping Big Sis to do her last minute things because she was having a 'last minute' year. But after all that, quite frankly I was completely bored and pissed off as I had nothing to do, so I said never again, and this year will see me quite happily rushing around da Toon a few days before Christmas, in the rain, trying to find presents and wading through all the folk in Somerfield buying up all the food you think you have to buy at Christmas and end up throwing away a week later from a fridge which is groaning under the strain, but that's what it's all about, much as we like to moan, it wouldn't be the same and, god help me, I LIKE IT THAT WAY.
Maybe I should start a campaign to KEEP CHRISTMAS CRAZY, although I think we can usually mnanage that quite well on our own!

1 comment:

Lorraine said...

Hi Wendy- Despite all our best efforts, maybe you're right. It is the craziness we thrive on.

Santa won't be bringing me a Burra Bear this year, but there's always next year, isn't there. I hope to be able to choose mine personally.