Monday, August 15, 2005

Summer holidays nearly over

Well, the holidays are nearly over and the schools go back on Wednesday much to my daughter's disappointment (all the late nights and even later lie in's will have to stop Rob!). Were just back from a few days in Aberdeen (where Shetlander's go for breaks to get away from the peace and quiet), the noisy City, but then I guess every City is noisy compared to living here (I don't really do noise and folk and cars and all the other City stuff).
So as I said we were away for a few days and 'me Lass' took one of her pals away, imagine 5 days spent with 2 x 13 years olds, shopping (which went very well apart from the fact that the 'Pal' tried on nearly every pair of Jeans in Aberdeen), bowling, cinema, and the Fair (with all the grabby machines which very rarely spit out the toys you sooooo want), unfortunately for me, 'me Man and 'me Lass' ended up with a giant size, Tigger, Eeyor and Piglet, they did try for Pooh, but we ran out of time.
I did get one day alone shopping (and did bag a fabulously loud coat from River Island for £10 - its wonderful and a bargain), whilst 'me Man' took the lasses to the Football (I don't do football, I went once in January and said never again, not sure if that was to do with the cold, or the fact that it was, well, FOOTBALL!), been there, done that, don't really want the T'shirt.
On our last night in Aberdeen we headed for the Lemon Tree to see Gwyneth Herbert (heard her on R2, fantastic voice, got the album, a few covers and a few of her own songs), she was the best, the kind of music that sounds as good live as it does on CD, and there are not many that do! And I don't think there are many Pubs in Aberdeen (or anywhere) where you can get quite a nice Spanish Rioja for £9.50 a bottle! Needless to say I drank the whole thing to myself as 'me Man' was having beer. And a good night was had by all, well that's what I thought till the next day when daughter, pal and 'me Man' all said it wasn't really their kind of music, guess that's what you get for taking me to the Aberdeen Football Stadium in January, Mo!
Oh I must just add a little note, the day before we left for Aberdeen I had Muriel Gray (yep, the one off the telly and now on the radio) at my house in the morning recording part of a programme about dialect for Radio Scotland, and I had John Carolan (photographer extraordinaire) along in the afternoon taking photos for his Shetland Women project. I can't wait to the see the pictures, although I am more excited about seeing the pictures of my peerie dog, Sparky!
So the fun is over and I really must get back to work, still in holiday mode even though we've been back nearly a week and the Burra Bear orders pilling up fast!
But all is well, my Mary is free to sew, I've just bought a Gaggia Coffee Machine (that will add to my grown up Sofa and Dining Table - see when you get older, you buy thing to last, not cos they're cheap!) and it's my birthday next week with a BBQ planned (sun will shine or else!) and a second night at Big Sis's house for a girly night. So life is good. But I am starting to decorate again, kitchen and dining room, so watch this space!