Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Up Helly Aa - men in chinos & Ugg boots?

After being rudely awakened at 4 this morning by the phones going haywire, then the sound of silence (power cut), I ventured into Lerwick first thing with very very flat hair, no power, no hairdryer (I don't do flat hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!) on the busiest day of the year, Up Helly Aa!! people everywhere and no where to park and all I wanted to do was post a box. When I finally did find a parking space and made it to the Street I was trapped, police at every exit, no way out, aaaarghhhhhhh, I did hear the shouts of the Yarl Squad, but by this time was so damp, cold and my hair getting flatter with each step I took, I got back to my car and went back home again, only to realise that the bloody power was still off, no heating, no lights, no radio, I read the paper until my feet went numb with the cold then did a lot of strange things I have been meaning to do for ages, sort out my handbag, etc.
Anyhow the power came back on about 2.30pm and I thought I'd check out the Up Helly Aa Yarl squad online, the Shetland News website had some great images, nice outfit, but look closer, is this the fashion version? Looks like chinos under the tunic and is that a pair of altered Ugg boots? see for yourself........ http://www.shetland-news.co.uk/news_01_2009/IMG_3752a.jpg

Monday, January 05, 2009

New Year, no sleep

OK, Happy New Year everyone, it's been a pretty good 2008 and here's looking forward to a pretty hectic 2009 (building a new house and all that!)
And as for the resolutions, well I kind of stopped that quite a few years ago, I think when you grow older (not that old) and are happy with yourself, what's the point? Although I did come up with one, I want to find a hair dye that will actually stay in my hair longer than 10 days? Any ideas? Apart from that I'm going with the same resolutions I was told by a VERY good friend earlier today, she said, 'I resolve to drink more bubbly and eat more takeaway's, because that's what makes me happy', I'm all for it. Although maybe not the drink more drink, after falling into bed for the last 2 weeks with a fuzzy red wine glow, I probably only managed to get 2 hours sleep last night (and the night before come to think of it), I blame late nights (watching a whole load of Sky+ recorded 2008 programmes), very late mornings/afternoon lie in's, and eating too much lovely rich food and chocolate, the healthy tangerines are only there to look festive, but ultimately grow white fur and end up with a really bad smell.
So here was me at 4.15 this morning trying desperately to get asleep, and what happens? my brain starts racing through the weirdest things, maybe I should decorate the bedroom before we move, I never did get that green wool I needed, the Hydro still haven't moved that pole off our site, and how did Scottish Water manage to cut a hole in a mains water pipe for us and charge a small fortune for doing so, how can they do that? and the list went on and on until an alarm clock went off and I thought I might as well get up and start a list of all the things I need to do.
If the same happens again tonight I will be up to get the Phenergan to knock me out.